Monthly Archives: October 2011

Removing WINE’s Default Application Entries

Today I double-clicked an image, and it opened with WINE Internet Explorer. What in the world? Why would I want that?

Anyways, odd developer choices aside, there’s a way to get rid of WINE’s software completely from your “Open With” menus. Shut down winemenubuilder.exe. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open winecfg
  2. Go to the libraries tab
  3. In the dropdown, type in “winemenubuilder.exe” without the quotes. It’s not in the list, but you can type it.
  4. Once added, click on the new entry and click the Edit button.
  5. Click the Disabled radio button, and save everything.
You’ll want to go through the .local/share/mime and .local/share/applications directories and delete anything relating to WINE. On my system, the only reason .local/share/mime exists is because WINE creates it, so I deleted the mime directory entirely. If you keep it, be sure to run:
update-mime-database .local/share/mime

If you’re running a good DE, like LXDE (hint, hint), all your menus will update almost immediately.

Source: WineHQ bug #19182